Green energy for NP Polska

In January 2022, NP Polska is switching to a green energy contract.

Approximately 80-85% of Polish electricity is produced with coal, which makes this electricity mix 11.5 times more CO2 emitting than that of France for example.

Certified ISO 14 001v.2015 since November 2021, NP Polska is part of a well thought-out and logical approach from an environmental point of view, in line with the environmental strategy led by the CLAYENS group, which aims to decarbonise its plants by 2030.

NP Polska expects to reduce its carbon footprint by 95% of its scope 1 and 2 emissions.

This represents a gain of 13% for the Clayens group.

100% renewable electrical energy !

This is the ambition of NP Polska, which is working with the Polish company PGE, a leader in renewable energy.

"PGE, committed to a process of decarbonisation of its energy, produces its energy solely in Poland, thus promoting local employment.

Article du journal des Echos: Le principal électricien polonais vise une neutralité climatique avant 2050 

PGE Presentation 



This collaboration is in line with "The Global Goals for Sustainable Development" and is another example of the Clayens Group's commitment to the environment.